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What is a Fusion Center?

A fusion center is a collaborative effort of state and federal agencies working in conjunction with local partners to share resources, expertise, and/or information to better identify, detect, prevent, and respond to terrorist and criminal activity utilizing an all crimes/all hazards approach.

The multidisciplinary approach of a fusion center increases state and local law enforcement’s understanding and awareness of threats to public safety which is now a cornerstone of modern law enforcement activity.

Fusion centers were created after 9/11 as a way to mitigate intelligence gaps and readily share intelligence across all levels of local, state, and federal partners.


The primary mission of the Virginia Fusion Center is to fuse together key counterterrorism and criminal intelligence resources from local, state, and federal agencies as well as private industries in a secure, centralized location, to facilitate information collection, prioritization, classification, analysis, and sharing, in order to better defend the Commonwealth against terrorist threats and/or attack and to deter criminal activity.

The secondary mission is to act in support of the Virginia Emergency Operations Center (VEOC), centralize information and resources to provide a comprehensive, coordinated, and effective response in the event of a terrorist attack or natural disaster, in order to neutralize the situation and allow an effective recovery process to be implemented and managed.

Privacy Policy

The Virginia Fusion Center’s (VFC) privacy policy establishes internal guidelines to protect the civil rights and civil liberties of the citizens we serve as it relates to the collection, submission, disclosure, and retention of personal identifiable information with a nexus to terrorist and/or criminal activity that could impact public health or safety. It is the mission of the VFC to ensure that information collectors do not seek information about an individual or organization solely on the basis of political, religious, or social views, or race, ethnicity, citizenship, place of origin, age, disability, gender, or sexual orientation.   Any comments or concerns related to potential or actual violations of the above policy and guidelines should be directed to the VFC Privacy Officer through email here.

Click Here to view our Privacy Policy

Information Exchange

The exchange of information and resources derived from Virginia Fusion Center (VFC) partnerships is fundamental to providing a coordinated response to terrorism and criminal-related issues affecting the Commonwealth of Virginia. Information received and generated by the VFC is used to:

  • Prevent, interdict or respond to terrorism and criminal activity
  • Educate law enforcement, homeland security officials and VFC partners on current terrorist and criminal activity
  • Pursue and apprehend offenders
  • Obtain evidence necessary to support prosecution

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