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Virginia Fusion Center

VFC Shield

“Awareness Through Information Sharing”

VFC Shield was established to increase community awareness of criminal and terrorism trends and incidents within the Commonwealth, United States and across the world.  The VFC Shield motto is “awareness through information sharing”.  Information sharing  increases preparedness, mitigation and prevention efforts which makes our communities safer.  In addition, VFC Shield connects members with available resources and sector specific content.

The VFC Shield program is intended for both the public and private sectors, as well as civic & local community groups.

VFC Shield is a completely FREE outreach program.



Text “Join” to 804-796-0770



Once signed up, members can expect to receive regular emails from VFC Shield.  Email communications will generally fall into one of three categories All Sector Bulletins, Alert Follow-ups and  Sector Specific Bulletins.

All information made available through the VFC Shield program is unclassified and is derived through open sources. Redistribution is highly encouraged.

Alerts are timely SMS based notifications of a significant security or terrorism related event within United States.  There are often multiple messages for each incident, as information becomes available and situations evolve.  

Below is an example of what an Alert message would look like.

All Sectors Bulletins Example 

ScamAware Example

FaithAware Example

Shield Products and Offerings

All Sectors Bulletins 

Open-Source information pertaining to all VFC Sheid Sectors. It is recommended that all VFC Shield members sign up for this list.

Frequency of mailing – As Needed

Examples of this Product


Emergency Services related open-source email bulletins specific to First Responders. These products include crime trends and highlights, suspicious activity reporting information/success stories, and other emergency services related Shield content.

Frequency of mailing – Bi-Monthly

Examples of this Product


This mailing will highlight active scams, trends and resources to help our subscribers stay safe.

Frequency of mailing – Bi-Monthly

Examples of this Product


Cyber related open-source email bulletins pertain to cyber related crimes, trends, emerging technologies and other cyber-related Shield content.

Frequency of mailing – Bi-Monthly

Examples of this Product


Faith-based open-source email bulletin products specific to faith-based leaders and participants. These open source products include active shooter information, behavioral threat products, violence and criminal trends against the religious community and other Shield related content geared towards protecting houses of worship.

Frequency of mailing – Bi-Monthly

Examples of this Product


Healthcare related open-source email bulletins geared towards issues relevant to healthcare professionals. These products will include information regarding security of facilities and active shooter readiness, pandemic and infectious disease information, bio-terrorism trends, and news and other healthcare related Shield content.

Frequency of mailing – Quarterly

Examples of this Product


Education related open-source email bulletins pertaining specially to the education sector. Products include school security information, active shooter products and other Shield content specific for education sector partners.

Frequency of mailing – Quarterly

Examples of this Product


This newsletter aims to keep our Shield subscribers aware of incidents, articles, trends, training and resources related to counterterrorism.  As with all Shield offerings, products will be completely open-source and free to redistribute.

Frequency of mailing – Monthly

Examples of this Product


CI (critical infrastructure) is considered a high value target by our adversaries.  CIAware keeps our shield subscribers up to date on incidents, articles, breaches, resources and training related to our nation’s critical infrastructure.

Frequency of mailing – Monthly

Examples of this Product

Who is eligible to join VFC SHIELD?

Although VFC Shield is open to all, there are specific groups and sectors which may find the program particularly beneficial.  This includes both the public and private sectors, as well as community organizations.
  • First Responder and Emergency Services
  • Faith-Based Community Members
  • Cyber Professionals
  • Healthcare Professionals
  • Education Professionals
  • Security and Critical Infrastructure Sector
  • Military Members
  • Business Owners
  • Any community member who wishes to be well informed.

VFC Shield is a member of the Global Shield Network, which connects Shield programs from all over the world.  The Shield concept was started by the New York City Police Department and quickly grew to be adopted nationally and internationally. The Global Shield Network results in unprecedented information sharing and resource collaboration.

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