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VFC Shield
Awareness Through Information Sharing
January 2021
COVID-19 Related Scams
Beware of these COVID-19 Scams
Since the onset of the pandemic, criminals have used tactics like identity theft and social engineering to defraud government and healthcare programs and illegally cash in—and the new year has brought some new material for them to keep up their scams.
FBI Warns About COVID-19 Vaccine Scams
The FBI is warning the public about scammers who are using the COVID-19 vaccine to try and steal personal information and money.
Coronavirus Scams – Consumer Resources
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the United States, the Federal Communication Commission has learned of scam text-message campaigns and robocalls that prey on virus-related fears.
Other Active Scams
Top Scams of 2021
Thanks to the pandemic, we spent a lot of time at home and online during most of 2020. But it is giving criminals more opportunities to take our money and personal information.
BBB: Avoiding Text Message Scams
If you get a text message offering a free subscription to Netflix or Hulu, officials are saying you should not click on the link..
Fake Calls from Apple and Amazon Support
Scammers are calling people and using the names of two companies everyone knows, Apple and Amazon. Here's what you need to know about these calls.
Local Scams
Rappahannock Electric Cooperative
REC Alerts Law Enforcement to Reported Phone Scams 

Rappahannock Electric Cooperative (REC) has seen a dramatic uptick in reported phone scams, which target our member-owners with the threat of disconnected electric service if payment is not provided over the phone.

 Should your agency receive such a report, REC wants you to know the following regarding the Cooperative’s practices:

• At this time, REC has suspended disconnections for non-payment. 
• The Cooperative is not calling to demand payment on accounts that have fallen behind.
• REC does not use collection agencies to contact members by phone. 
• If members receive a phone call from someone claiming to be an REC employee demanding immediate payment, REC is urging them to report the suspicious activity to local law enforcement. 
JANUARY 12, 2021 | Fox5Sandiego
Security Summit
The IRS has joined with representatives of the software industry, tax preparation firms, payroll and tax financial product processors and state tax administrators to combat identity theft refund fraud to protect the nation's taxpayers.
Avoiding and Reporting Scams
• Recognizing these common signs of a scam could help you avoid falling for one. 
• Find out steps you can take if you were scammed. 
•Your complaint could help the FTC stop the scammers.
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Awareness Through Information Sharing
This bulletin is the result of collaboration and cooperation from a variety of Shield programs and public safety orientated officials.  Special thanks to the following partners.
Hanover Shield
Louisa Shield
VFC Shield
Awareness Through Infomation Sharing
© 2021 Virginia Fusion Center
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