First Responders Toolbox

Resource | First Responder's Toolbox

Complex Operating Environment—Educational Facilities: Post-Secondary Institutions

The physical characteristics of the estimated 7,000 post-secondary institutions in the Homeland create a complex environment for emergency personnel responding to calls for service in the event of a terrorist attack. In order to develop appropriate internal and external security measures and rapid and comprehensive emergency response plans, stakeholders must take into account a variety of factors, such as the institution’s student body, administrators and staff, physical characteristics and layout, institutional guidance, policies, procedures, and the local government’s laws and ordinances. Post-secondary institutions can vary from primary schools in that they are typically campuses that consist of numerous buildings and facilities spread across a much larger area. This product encourages coordination between all stakeholders in advance of a terrorist incident, so that specific vulnerabilities and gaps are identified and appropriate plans are developed. It is part two of a two-part series on educational facilities.

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