On March 26, 2021, ten people were shot outside a resort area in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Please see the below Alert Follow Up produced in collaboration with Hanover County Shield Program.
10 Shot Outside Resort in Virginia Beach, VA
Date of Incident - March 26th 2021
Summary Statement
At approximately 11:20 p.m. on March 26, 2021, 10 people were shot outside the Virginia Beach Resort Area in three separate shooting incidents. There were two fatalities.
"What you can see is that we have a very chaotic incident, a very chaotic night in the beach...Many different crime scenes." - VB Police Chief Paul Neudigate
At approximately 11:20 p.m. on March 26, 2021, the Virginia Beach Police Department (VBPD) responded to an initial shooting call on Atlantic Avenue at 20th Street in the Oceanfront Resort Area.
The preliminary investigation indicates that a group of individuals were involved in some type of conflict that resulted in a physical fight. At some point during the physical altercation, several individuals produced firearms and began shooting at each other, resulting in numerous people being wounded.
Multiple officers responded to the above incident. Several minutes later, while managing that initial crime scene and crowd that had gathered, VBPD officers heard additional gunshots in the vicinity of the 1900 block of Pacific Avenue.
An additional shooting victim was located in the 300 block of 19th Street, near Pacific Avenue. The adult female victim in this shooting succumbed to her injuries at the scene. It is not currently believed this shooting incident is currently related to the initial incident.
While the above was transpiring, one uniformed VBPD officer in immediate proximity of this location encountered an armed citizen which resulted in a police involved shooting. The adult male involved succumbed to his injuries at the scene.
In total, 10 individuals were injured by gunfire, two of which are deceased. Also, at some point during these three incidents, a VBPD officer was struck by a vehicle and transported to a local hospital. The officer has been treated and released.
Three individuals have been arrested and charged in related to the above events. They are currently being held in Virginia Beach City Jail.
Additional VBPD law enforcement personnel have been assigned to the Oceanfront to support ongoing public safety efforts. VBPD investigative staff are working to determine if the three events are related or if there are any additional suspects.
An Active Shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms(s) and their is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.
Soft targets and crowded places are increasingly appealing to terrorists and other extremist actors because of their relative accessibility and the large number of potential targets. This challenge is complicated by the prevalent use of simple tactics and less sophisticated attacks.
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