VFC Shield
VFC Shield Members,

On March 26, 2021, ten people were shot outside a resort area in Virginia Beach, Virginia.  

Please see the below Alert Follow Up produced in collaboration with Hanover County Shield Program. 


VFC Shield

10 Shot Outside Resort in Virginia Beach, VA

Date of Incident - March 26th 2021

VB Shooting
VB Shooting 2


Ready Gov

Attacks In Crowded And Public Spaces

While the threat of mass attacks is real, we can take steps to prepare, protect ourselves and help others.


VA Fusion Center

Active Shooter

An Active Shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms(s) and their is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. 



Securing Soft Targets And Crowded Places

Soft targets and crowded places are increasingly appealing to terrorists and other extremist actors because of their relative accessibility and the large number of potential targets. This challenge is complicated by the prevalent use of simple tactics and less sophisticated attacks.


This is an open-source product.  Redistribution is encouraged.


"Awareness Through Information Sharing"

This assessment is the result of collaboration and cooperation with the Hanover County Sheriff's Department. 

Virginia Fusion Center
Hanover County Sheriff's Office
VFC Hompage

View Virginia Fusion Center Homepage


Observe Suspicious Activity?


"Awareness Through Information Sharing"




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