Upcoming Conference | DCJS/VSP March 21-23 2022 | Roanoke Virginia
2022 Conference On Violent Crime
The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS), in partnership with the Department of State Police, the Department of Corrections, the Department of Juvenile Justice and the Office of the Attorney General of Virginia, is pleased to announce the 2022 Conference on Violent Crime.
This two-and-a-half-day event will be held in Roanoke, Virginia, March 21-23, 2022. The conference will focus on topics directly related to trends and strategies used in efforts to reduce violent crime in the Commonwealth.
The physical characteristics of the estimated 7,000 post-secondary institutions in the Homeland create a complex environment for emergency personnel responding to calls for service in the event of a terrorist attack. In order to develop appropriate internal and external security measures and rapid and comprehensive emergency response plans, stakeholders must take into account a variety of factors, such as the institution’s student body, administrators and staff, physical characteristics and layout, institutional guidance, policies, procedures, and the local government’s laws and ordinances. Post-secondary institutions can vary from primary schools in that they are typically campuses that consist of numerous buildings and facilities spread across a much larger area. This product encourages coordination between all stakeholders in advance of a terrorist incident, so that specific vulnerabilities and gaps are identified and appropriate plans are developed. It is part two of a two-part series on educational facilities.
The opinions or conclusions of the authors reflected in the open source articles and resources is not endorsed and/or does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Virginia Fusion Center. The sources have been selected to provide you with event information to highlight available resources designed to improve public safety and reduce the probability of becoming a victim of a crime.
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