white quad-copter drone during golden hour by Jason Mavrommatis (@jeisblack)

Resource | National Urban Security Technology Laboratory (NUSTL)

Market Survey Report:
Blue Unmanned Aircraft Systems
For First Responders

The Blue UAS Cleared List is a list of United States and/or Ally-manufactured UAS vetted by the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) to be policy approved by the DoD.  All UAS on the Blue List are compliant with the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and have undergone cybersecurity testing by DIU or their contractors.  Each device on the Blue UAS Cleared List has obtained an authority to operate from DIU.

All federal government agencies must follow similar cybersecurity requirements and therefore use the Blue List as their de facto standard for selection of UAS.  First responder agencies often have state-based and/or locality-based regulations on what equipment they can use in the field.  State regulators and first responders may choose to use the Blue List to ensure their UAS are secure and NDAA-compliant.  The market survey is aimed at providing emergency responders with information to guide their operational and procurement decisions.

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