Over the past decade, first responders have begun integrating small unmanned aerial systems (UAS) as a resource for a variety of operational needs. UAS, often referred to as "drones," are used by first responders in support of public safety activities such as search and rescue, firefighting, and post incident reconstruction. UAS provide first responders with an aerial view of their environment and can be outfitted with various sensors tailored to different applications.
The National Urban Security Technology Laboratory (NUSTL) is a federal laboratory within the Department of Homeland Security. The NUSTL is the only national laboratory focused exclusively on supporting the capabilities of responders to address national security missions. NUSTL manages the System Assessment and Validation for Emergency Responders (SAVER) program, which conducts objective, practitioner-relevant, operationally-oriented assessments and validations of commercially available emergency response equipment.
-VFC Shield