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Conference | Global Shield Network & the Maryland Coordination & Analysis Center (MCAC)
September 4-6, 2024 - Annapolis, Maryland

6th Annual
Global Shield Network Conference

VFC Shield Members,

The Global SHIELD Network annual conference will be held in Annapolis Maryland this year September 4-6, 2024 hosted in partnership with the Maryland Coordination & Analysis Center (MCAC), Baltimore County Police, Anne Arundel County Police, Baltimore City Police , Havre de Grace Police, and the Global SHIELD Network. As many of you know, the Global SHIELD Network ( is a partnership of local and state law enforcement agencies from around the world whose purpose is through intelligence and private sector partnership to mitigate terrorism and those crimes that cross jurisdictional borders.

Topics for this conference include:

  • Behavioral Threat Assessment & Management (BTAM)
  • SAFE Assessments,
  • Creating a Virtual Crime Center (VCC),
  • Capital Gazette Shooting Case Study
  • ISIS in the USA,
  • ?Terrorism Prevention and Radicalization?
  • Emerging Drug Trends and Transnational Criminal Organizations

In addition, Keynote Speaker Chief Steven Sund will provide his unique perspective of events surrounding the attack at the U.S. Capitol on 6 January 2021.

Tentative Timeline:

September 4:

Check-In to Hotel Begins at 1600

Optional Networking Event 1700-2000

September 5:

Training and Presentations 0830-1700

Networking Event 1800-2000

September 6:

Conference Presentations and Speakers 0800-1300

Optional Tour of the Maryland State House at 1300

We hope you can join us and hear great presentations and develop those contacts that are critical in the intelligence and law enforcement community. Should you like more information about the Global SHIELD Network (GSN) please visit the website at  Event registration and hotel information is available on the attached flyer. Should you have any question about the conference, please reach out to Ariana Shockley with MCAC at .

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