VFC Shield


The VFC Shield program is pleased to launch HealthAware.  HealthAware is our sector-specific newsletter tailored to our Healthcare sector.  Each quarter VFC Shield will send out a new edition of HealthAware with relevant articles, resources and trainings for our Healthcare members.  As a reminder, all Shield products are open-source, so members are free to redistribute the mailings as they see fit.  We hope you find this product relevant and useful in your field. 

-VFC Shield Team

Healthcare Related Incidents

Articles of Note:

Safeguarding Health

March 2, 2021

New Map Depicts Pandemic-Related Violence and Threats to Health Workers

Wifi Hack

February 4, 2021

Vulnerabilities in Realtek Wi-Fi Module Expose Many Devices to Remote Attacks

The Hill China

February 1, 2021

Intel agency warns of threats from China collecting sensitive US health data

Cyber Crimes

February 5, 2021

Cybercrime Goes Mainstream

Defending Computer

February 16, 2021

Defending U.S. Hospitals Against Today’s Cyber Threats


January 14, 2021

FBI Warns of Ransomware Attacks Targeting Critical Infrastructure

Cyber Hacking - Law

February 28, 2021

Law Firm Data Breach Impacts UPMC Patients

Covid - Fake

February 19, 2021

COVID-19 vaccine counterfeits set off alarms across the globe

Blue Screen Hacker

January 23, 2021

Emails With Threats, Graphic Images Sent to 5,000 Gardner School Parents and Students


Additional Resources:



This is an open-source product.  Redistribution is encouraged.

VFC Hompage

View Virginia Fusion Center Homepage


Observe Suspicious Activity?


Not a VFC Shield Member?


Awareness through information sharing

This bulletin is the result of collaboration and cooperation from a variety of SHIELD programs and public safety orientated officials.  Special thanks to the following partners.

Hanover Shield
Stafford County Shield
Louisa County Shield

Awareness Through Infomation Sharing.




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