Quick Statistics About Human Trafficking Victims: - 87.8% reported that they have had contact with healthcare providers while being trafficked.
- 67% sought medical care in an emergency room.
- 50% had a treatable medical condition.
- 71.2% reported at least one pregnancy while being trafficked.
- 95.1% reported experiencing at least one form of violence or abuse.
- 84.3% reported some type of substance abuse.
Behaviors During Medical Encounters Possibly Indicative of Human Trafficking: - Another person is controlling or speaking on behalf of the patient.
- The patient does not have identification documents, or someone else is in possession of their documents.
- The patient has few or no personal possessions.
- The patient does not make eye contact or prefers not to be touched.
- There are inconsistencies in the patient’s narrative or give inconsistent answers to questions.
- The patient does not know their home address or the general location of their residence.
- The patient has “branding” tattoos – often in very visible locations, including symbols such as a diamond, money bag, dollar sign, barcode, or crown. The tattoos can also include a name and “property of”.
- Seeking medical attention was delayed.
Medical Conditions or Issues Possibly Indicative of Human Trafficking: - The patient has had multiple or frequent pregnancies or forced abortions.
- The patient has workplace injuries due to lack of proper protective equipment or working extensive hours without proper rest.
- The patient has had repeated sexually transmitted infections (STI), Urinary tract infections (UTI), Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), and/or Hepatitis C.
- The patient has untreated dental issues (missing teeth, gingivitis, cavities, etc.).
- The patient has fractures, traumatic brain injuries, knife/firearm wounds, and/or evidence of physical violence (strangulation).
- The patient may also be malnourished, have mental health issues (anxiety, depression, complex PTSD, dissociative disorders, and self-harming behaviors), substance abuse disorders or an overdose history, and be extremely fatigued.
Considerations for Medical Staff Interacting with Possible Victims - Talk to the patient alone, if possible.
- Attempt to gently build a rapport with the victim before asking sensitive questions.
- Validate who is around and interacting with the patient and in what manner.
- Does the patient appear to be in a drug-induced state?
- Recognize the signs and symptoms of a patient’s trauma and avoid re-traumatization by being sensitive to their experiences and needs.
Example of Response Teams and Efforts Bon Secours Violence Response Team- The Bon Secours Violence Response Team (VRT), headquartered in Richmond, VA, was established in 1993 to provide services to victims of human trafficking. The team covers 42 jurisdictions across the state of Virginia, while offering 24/7 coverage to victims. The VRT consists of forensic nurse, victim advocates, and community health workers, whose focus is community violence. Forensic nurses perform a variety of roles, including providing care to patients when there are legal considerations associated with the patient’s needs, identifying and documenting injuries, collecting evidence and maintaining the chain of custody, testifying in court, acting as a consultant with the medical team, and acting a liaison between community partners (i.e. - law enforcement, CPS/APS, and the medical examiner’s office). Victim advocates provide the support that survivors of human trafficking need to overcome their circumstances and transform their lives. Advocates provide connections to community resources such as local shelters, counseling, legal services, and case management.
Where to Report Suspected Human Trafficking
If you are able, the Virginia State Police Human Trafficking Tipline offers two different ways to report suspected or possible trafficking: - Text: Send a message to that number by typing “VSP” followed by the tip.
- Messages are anonymous. VSP may contact you regarding your tip to obtain more information. If the information you possess concerns a person (or yourself) in imminent danger, contact 911 or #77 to report that information.
- Online: Submit an Anonymous Tip Online
- Information to Include:
- Location(s)
- Date(s) & Time(s)
- Name(s) of involved individual(s)
- Specific action(s) witnessed
- Contact information if willing