Criminals continue to impersonate SSA and other government agencies via phone, email, text or social media. They might even use the name of an actual employee and send a picture or attachment as “proof.” Social Security employees do contact the public by telephone for business purposes. If there is a problem with a person’s Social Security number or record, Social Security will typically mail a letter. This page has information that will help you avoid these scams.
The hotline provides services for adults aged 60 and over who believe they are victims of financial fraud. While the hotline does not serve in an investigatory capacity, case managers will identify appropriate reporting agencies, and provide information to callers to assist them in reporting, or connect callers directly with the appropriate agency. The Hotline staff also provide resources and referrals to other applicable services as needed. The site also provides a variety of resources and informative materials.
The opinions or conclusions of the authors reflected in the open source articles and resources is not endorsed and/or does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Virginia Fusion Center. The sources have been selected to provide you with event information to highlight available resources designed to improve public safety and reduce the probability of becoming a victim of a crime.
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