Getting educated and taking a few basic steps may well keep you from becoming a victim of crime and fraud—and save you a great deal of time and trouble. You can also help us protect your families and communities by reporting suspicious activities and helping find wanted fugitives and missing kids.
In August 2017, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) awarded 26 Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) grants to local and national nonprofit organizations to “build prevention programs that address the root causes of violent extremism and deter individuals who may already be radicalizing to violence.”
Google is teaming with the Cybercrime Support Network in an effort to crack down on internet and phone fraud. Learn the three golden rules to thwart scammers: Slow it down, Spot check, and Stop! Don't send.
This bulletin is the result of collaboration and cooperation from a variety of Shield programs and public safety orientated officials. Special thanks to the following partners.
The opinions or conclusions of the authors reflected in the open source articles does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Virginia Fusion Center. The sources have been selected to provide you with event information to highlight available resources designed to improve public safety and reduce the probability of becoming a victim of a crime.
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