If you are a business owner concerned about civil unrest:
1. Stay informed Depending on where you live, protest organizers are required to get a permit before demonstrating publicly. Most protesters advertise those events to garner more participation and coordinate the protest with police officials. Keep up to date on events in your community by contacting local officials or viewing your city’s website for posted information on upcoming events. Moreover, stay abreast of emergency protocols in your area.
2. Reduce building weaknesses Determine what makes your storefront more vulnerable. Are there dark alleys and large windows? A building should have adequate lighting at all entrances along with security cameras with alarms to capture intruders on tape and notify police automatically. Windowless doors made from steel and deadbolts help to deter vandalism.
4. Close your store Sometimes closing your store is the best decision to ward off losses. Your prime concern is the health and safety of employees and consumers, as well as preventing physical damage to property. You can also adjust store hours and reduce the number of employees who work based on city curfews. Gain guidance from governing officials as to the safest time to remain open.
5. Revise your schedule If you expect deliveries, reschedule them for a different day or week. You also don’t want to be meeting with clients or staff when a protest is ongoing. Keep staff members informed of safety plans, so they know what to expect.
6. Call the police If trespassers look suspicious and won’t leave your property, get police assistance immediately. It’s not advisable to take matters into your own hands or use firearms as a means to protect your premises.
7. Review your insurance policy Make sure your business policy includes coverage for property damage incurred during a protest. You should meet with your insurance agent to verify what exactly your liability and property insurance policy covers. |