In 2019, U.S. hospitals recorded 221,400 work-related injuries and illnesses, a rate of 5.5 work-related injuries and illnesses for every 100 full-time employees. This is almost twice the rate for private industry as a whole.
OSHA created a suite of resources to help hospitals assess workplace safety needs, implement safety and health management systems, and enhance their safe patient handling programs. Preventing worker injuries not only helps workers?it also helps patients and will save resources for hospitals.
On-Campus Health Care Facility Armed Assailant Planning Considerations
Health care planners can use this checklist to help prepare their facilities to mitigate, respond to, and recover from an active shooter or armed assailant situation on campus. In an actual emergency, follow facility protocol for armed assailant/active shooter codes. Inform 911 and use your internal approach for alerting security and other health care facility personnel of the incident.
The opinions or conclusions of the authors reflected in the open source articles and resources is not endorsed and/or does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Virginia Fusion Center. The sources have been selected to provide you with event information to highlight available resources designed to improve public safety and reduce the probability of becoming a victim of a crime.
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